Sunday, March 27, 2011

Field Trip This Tuesday

Hello Otter Families,

After the stormy weather last week, it looks like we will actually have some nice weather on Tuesday for our much anticipated field trip to the symphony and the Tech Museum. We will leave school at about 10:30 and return about 2:30. Please make sure that your child dresses neatly and brings a sack lunch. We still need a couple more chaperones, so if you would like to join us, please sign up on our wikispace by Monday afternoon.

The third quarter ends on Friday, April 1. All work and/or tests missed due to absence must be made up by Wednesday! Report cards should be mailed by April 8. Wednesday evening, April 6, is Dartmouth's annual Open House. This is a time for you to visit our classrooms to see what your child has been doing and to meet other Otter families. It is also a great time to see what good things await your child in seventh grade.

Academically speaking, we are working hard to cover all standards for the sixth grade. In math, we started a new unit on geometry. Students took a quiz on geometry terminology and concepts on Thursday and most did very well. We are currently taking a bit of a detour from this unit to prepare for the third quarter district-wide benchmark exam. The test will be administered on Wednesday and will measure student mastery of standards covered in the third quarter.

In social studies, we finished our study of Ancient China last week. Next, we will work on a short project in class. Study of our last two civilizations, Greece and Rome, will begin when we return to school after our upcoming spring break.

Spring break is just around the corner. There will be no school from April 11-15. I am sure the kids are all looking forward to a brief respite from school (as is their teacher).

The Dartmouth school play begins Thursday, March 31, and will continue through Sunday, April 3. Good luck to all the Otter actors...break a leg!

I look forward to seeing you at Open House on April 6.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Mrs. Shimamoto

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the field trip!;)
