Sunday, October 3, 2010

A BUSY Week for the Otters

Hello Otter Families, was a very busy week for the Otters. Thanks to all of our great sixth grade parents, we had our first social on Friday. We had a record attendance, perfect weather, and it seemed that a great time was had by all who attended (adults included). Thank you to all of you who so generously donated supplies and your time to make this event possible!

It is hard to believe that it is already October. The end of October marks the end of the first quarter and our first report card of the year. Congratulations to the students who are working hard and doing well. For those who have had a rough start, it is not too late to bring up those grades. Please be sure to turn all work in on time, give your best effort, and to make up any work that is missed. If you were absent, make up work should be done as soon as possible.

In Social Studies we have spent the past week working on our globes in class everyday. Thank you to many of our Otter parents for volunteering to help with this big project. You helped to avert many disasters...I couldn't have done it alone. We are now free-hand drawing our islands. I will send this project home early this week for completion. Please make sure your child works on it little by little every night. There will be little additional homework in social studies during this time. I will send home a grading sheet so students will know exactly what they need to do to earn a good grade. Neatness and effort will make a big difference!

In math we are working on the four operations with integers. Last week was addition and subtraction. This week will be multiplication and division. Friday's quiz had mixed results. It seemed that the kids either really got it or they didn't. They will have an opportunity to do quiz revisions. If they need assistance, please make sure they see me for help. I am available most days after school in my classroom.

Thanks again and again for all the support you give your child and our Otter team.

Until next week.

Mrs. Shimamoto

1 comment:

  1. Otters are THE BEST TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mrs. Shimamoto and Mrs. Lescroart are great teachers;)
    Otters Rule!!!!!!!

    Madeleine Gibbons-Shapiro
