Hello Otter Families,
Well, we now have one week of school under our belts. The end of summer was a shock to the system (especially since it was 100 degrees), but the kids (and their teachers) are adjusting nicely and we are becoming a great community. We are a big team this year with full classes and I am proud to say that I think I know all the names now.
Most of the first week was spent getting used to new routines and expectations, and getting to know one another. The kids learned the school rules and brought home a paper outlining the sixth grade homework policy. They also got their lockers and three textbooks, which they will leave at home. As we begin to settle down into a work rountine, students must have their school supplies by this Monday. If this presents a hardship for your family, please have your child come and talk to me. The list of required supplies can be found on the right hand margin of the blog.
Failure is really not an option in the sixth grade at Dartmouth. A major goal of sixth grade is learning organization and responsibility. With that in mind, our Academic Support Center (ASC) system is meant to insure that kids have every opportunity to succeed. It is not a form of punishment. Whenever a student does not bring an assignment on the due date, he/she will bring home a bright pink parent notification slip, which you must sign. If the work comes in the following day with the signed note, he/she will earn 90% credit. If the child comes with the signed note but no work, he/she will be assigned to do the work in the Academic Support Center, which is held in the library after school that day. If the child fails to bring the signed note, he/she will make a phone call home. We appreciate your support in helping your child to be a successful student.
Next week will be a short one. Teachers will attend an in-service day on Friday, September 3; while kids will get the day off. The following Monday is Labor Day, so the students will enjoy a 4 day weekend.
Sixth grade parents often wonder if there are any opportunities to help out at school. Our first big project in social studies, globe making, will take place mid-September. I will send out a notice asking for volunteers as soon as I have dates scheduled. I will need several adult hands for this project. Our first sixth grade after-school social will be held on Friday, October 1st. We will definitely need help with that activity so please mark your calendar if you are interested in volunteering. Your child will bring home a flyer regarding this exciting event in the next couple of weeks.
Back to school night is scheduled for Wednesday evening, September 15. At that time, teachers will share their plans for the upcoming year. I look forward to meeting all of you that night.
Thank you to those of you who left a comment. It is nice to know that someone is reading the blog. I appreciate all your kind words. Thanks also for sharing your children with me this year. I am really enjoying the new Otters!
Mrs. Shimamoto
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