Sunday, September 26, 2010

Halfway Through the First Quarter!

Hello Otter Families,

Can you believe that last Friday marked the half-way point for the first quarter of school? That means that at this time, there is a fairly good representation of grades in the grade book and power school. So, now would be a good time to check and review your child's grades with him or her. If your child has any missing work due to absence, please make sure that he or she completes it in a timely manner. I have collected the Social Studies notebooks, but I still need to finish grading the geography and map terms. Those grades should be entered into the system sometime this week. I also have not entered the Chapter 1 math test scores as some children need a little more class time to finish. Those scores should be up online by Tuesday.

In math, we just finished our first Chapter on Algebraic Reasoning. We will start our next unit, Integers, tomorrow, Monday, September 27. In social studies we are working on our World Maps. This is a major project and we will spend class time all this week on it. The children will then bring the maps home for completion. The due date will be sometime in early October. I will post the due date online as soon as I can. Thank you to the many parent helpers who have come in to help us. We could not do it without you!

This Friday is our first 6th grade social after school. We are all looking forward to an exciting and fun time. Thank you to the many Otter parents who have donated items and/or have volunteered to help. The social will take place in the quad right after school, and will go until 4:30 p.m. Tickets will go on sale on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at lunch. Tickets will sell for $5.00 and will cover the price of admission as well as all the games. You might want to send a few extra dollars with your child on Friday for miscellaneous snacks and goodies and/or photos with friends. There will be games, prizes, music, and dancing. Students get to choose which activities to do and there is always something for everyone! Please encourage your child to participate...the more the merrier.

It looks like we are in for another hot week at school. It might be a good idea to send your child in with a water bottle (in an effort to "go green" a refillable bottle is best). I allow kids to drink water in my class anytime. All other food and drink is prohibited as it creates a mess in the classroom.

Special thanks goes to my anonymous friend, who so kindly sent me a beautiful birthday surprise last week. Your otter cake was amazing and the third period kids enjoyed it immensely. Thanks also to the families who have donated items to room 301. If you would like to support our team, check out my wish list on the right side of the blog.

I hope there are at least a few Otter families who are finding this blog useful. I am not sure anyone is reading it. In order to give me an idea of who my readers are, PLEASE leave a comment, give me some feedback, and leave your name. Your response is greatly appreciated.

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Shimamoto

Monday, September 20, 2010


The Globe Project Starts on Thursday, September 23. If you would like to help, please sign up on our class wikispace.

In addition to classroom help, I will need several volunteers to cut out templates for the continents. This is a job that can be done from home.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thank You For Attending Back to School Night

Hello Otter Families,
It was so nice to see so many parents at last night's Back to School Night. I wish I had had more time to meet you individually. Your interest in your child's education is a very important key to his/her success.

As I mentioned last night, there are many opportunities for parents to get involved in the sixth grade. Next week, we are starting our Globe Project in social studies. I could use several adult hands to help the children. No special skills other than a little patience are required. If you would like to sign up go to our (click the link on the colored word) wikispaces page and enter your name wherever you can help.

On Friday, October 1st, we will hold our first sixth grade social. We will need donations and many adult volunteers to make this exciting event happen. Please sign up on our wiki if you can help or donate something.

Academically speaking, we are moving along in math. We are already finishing our first unit covering Algebraic Reasoning. The kids seem to be understanding the concepts and most have been very conscientious about doing their homework. Tomorrow is our weekly quiz on solving algebraic equations. Next week we will practice solving word problems, review for the chapter test, and finally take the end of the unit test.

In Social Studies, we are continuing to work on Geography. Today the children took a test on geography terms using the electronic responders. I think they had fun using them. Ask your child to tell you about it. We are now learning about map concepts in preparation for our globe project.

The students in period two math intervention have been working hard to strengthen their basic math concepts and have also been working hard to reinforce the concepts that we are learning in regular math class. I love seeing them as the experts in class. I hope that experiencing success will help build their confidence in math.

It is important that students arrive in class everyday ready to work. Please make sure that your child brings the required supplies daily. Many children are coming to class without a pencil, red pens, or colored pencils. The list of required supplies is located on the right hand margin of the blog.

Thanks to those of you who have supported my classroom with your generous donations. I really appreciate it! If you would like to donate something , our classroom needs are ongoing. Please check out my wish list on the right side margin of the blog. You can also find a list of important links and upcoming events.

If you have read this blog, please leave a comment in the Leave a Comment Box. You can sign on anonymously but please sign your name so I know who my readers are.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Have a nice weekend.

Mrs. Shimamoto

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend

Dear Otter Families,

I hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday weekend. The Otters are becoming a cohesive community, and it is hard to believe that many of them were strangers just two short weeks ago.

Academics began in earnest last week. In math we are studying number sense and algebra concepts. The students took their first quiz on Thursday. The quiz covered numerical patterns, exponents and order of operations. Scores will be posted on Powerschool this week. It is my policy to allow students to learn from their mistakes. With that in mind, students will be given an opportunity to correct their errors for 50% credit back. This will be true for all quizzes but not on end of unit tests. I will explain the procedure for Quiz Revisions when I return the quizzes tomorrow.

In Social Studies we are studying geography. Our first individual project will be a Geography Glossary. This will be the major homework assignment for the rest of this week. For our next activity students will create a world map which we will convert to a three-dimensional globe. I will need several adult hands for this project. No special skills are necessary. All you need to be able to do is to help the kids draw straight lines with a yardstick. We will tackle the globe project during the week of September 20-24. If you can help, please see our class wikispaces page to sign up. The link to the wikispaces page will be posted later this week.

Don't forget, Back to School Night will be held on Wednesday, September 15. I look forward to meeting you then.

Mrs. Shimamoto